Following is the list of various research projects handled by Ghantali Mitra Mandal.
1. Effects of yogic practices on infertility related to PCOD(Poly Cystic Ovarian Disease)
2. Effect of Selected Yogic Practices on anxiety related obesity and Dyslipidaemia
3. Effect of Yogic practices on anxiety and related disordes as depicted by body composition analysis
4. Yoga for Dental Practitioners
5. Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) and Yoga
6. Yogankur
7. Medha Sanskar
8. Yoga for Jail Inmates
               Pradnyanan Yoga Anusandhan Kendra
Research Research

Research | Abstract Health related fitness 2005 | Abstract yoga as nanobiopsycho technology for kdham | Abstract-final | FlexibilityAbstrBoidata | PCOD abstract for kdham


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